Krassimir Atanassov

Krassimir T. Atanassov (1954) studied in Department of Mathematics in Sofia University and defended dissertations for PhD in 1986, Doctor of Technical Science in 1997 and Doctor of Mathematical Sciences in 2000. Since 1998 he is a Full Professor in the Institute of Biophysics and Biomedical Engineering of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, since 2012 – a Corresponding Member of Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, since 2013 – fellow of IFSA, since 2018 – Senior Fellow of IEEE.
His research interests are in the areas of fuzzy sets (he introduced the object of "intuitionistic fuzzy set" and investigated its basis properties and some of its applications), Petri nets (he introduced the object of "generalized net" and investigated its basic properties, as well as some of its applications in artificial intelligence, systems theory, medicine, economics, and others) and number theory. He has more than 700 journal papers, 300 conference reports and 35 books.
In DIGILIENCE 2019 Prof Atanassov will lead the session on "Fuzzy Methods for Cyber Security and Resilience."