Siraj Shaikh

Professor Siraj Ahmed Shaikh is Professor of Systems Security at the Institute of Future Transport and Cities (FTC) at Coventry University, UK, where he leads the Systems Security Group. He is also Founder and Chief Scientist at CyberOwl, which is a VC-backed venture addressing cyber risk analytics for the maritime and CNI sectors. Over the past 20 years, his research interests have included threat modelling, cyber-physical systems security testing, and security policy-making. His research has been funded by EPSRC, RAEng, MoD, NCSC and Lloyds Register Foundation.
At DIGILIENCE 2019, Prof. Shaikh will deliver a keynote on
Cyber-Physical Systems Security: Research Challenges and Opportunities
in which he will provide an overview of some of the challenges in defending cyber-physical systems, and then run through some key areas of development in this domain. Then the keynot speaker will dive into some technical areas to reflect on research results of the Cyber Security Group of Coventry University, including areas of design, policy and behaviour, alongside engineering.