Jüri Vain

Jüri Vain graduated the System Engineering speciality from Tallinn Polytechnic Institute, Estonia. He received his PhD in computer science from the Institute of Cybernetics at Estonian Academy of Sciences in 1987. He is the founder of the Department of Computer Science at Tallinn University of Technology (TalTech) and co-founder of the CoE on Cyber Security and Digital Forensics at TalTech. Currently, he is Professor of formal methods at the Department of Software Science, TalTech. He has been Visiting Professor at Abo Akademi University (Finland), visiting researcher at Oslo University (Norway), Danish Technical University, Tampere University of Technology (Finland), and Eindhoven University of Technology (The Netherlands). His current research interests include formal methods and their application in testing, cyber physical systems security, human-computer interaction, autonomous robotics, and artificial intelligence. He has been leading researcher in several international projects under EU framework programmes and the coordinator of Estonian-Japan medical robotics collaboration programme. He has published over 180 scientific articles including journal papers, book chapters and conference papers. He has been an invited lecturer in several international conferences, summer and winter schools.
In DIGILIENCE 2019 Prof. Vain leads the organization of the session on "Formal Methods and Model-based Security Testing."