Michael Cooke

Dr. Michael Cooke is Lecturer in Applied Psychology in the National University of Ireland Maynooth. He is primarily interested in the application of psychological and social scientific theories, methods, tools and knowledge to addressing the challenges and opportunities that face us in our everyday lives. This includes our working lives as well as our participation in society more broadly, ranging from local to international contexts of social interaction and engagement. As a researcher he is particularly interested in that specific set of challenges that we confront when interacting with technology. Technology is something that radically mediates how we interact with the physical, the social, the cultural worlds and of course the virtual. All of these aspects of life are part of our ecological systems and need to be explored in constructive and holistic ways and they have an impact not only on our behavioural, cognitive and emotional states, but also on our sense of identity and agency. Current projects he is involved in are RESILENS, Gaming for Peace (GAP), TRESSPASS, and ECHO.
In DIGILIENCE 2019 Dr. Cooke will work on the organization of the session on The Human Factor in Cyber Security and Resilience.