ICT Governance and Management for Digital Transformation (CIO function)

In this theme DIGILIENCE 2020 aims to explore innovative ideas in the area of governance and management of collaborative networked (federated) organizations (CNOs) as one of the main venues for digital transformation and resilience. CNOs are vital for consolidating the national capacity for the digital endeavour, and recently have been recognised as an instrument for transformation in the European Union and NATO.

A key element of any governance and management concept for digital transformation is the proper definition of the function of the CIO/CISO (Chief Information Officer / Chief Information Security Officer) or CDO (Chief Digital Officer). This session aims to explore the experience and new ideas for the development of this function in various national or international organisations.

Of specific interest for this session of DIGILIENCE 2020 is the finalisation and the implementation of the Regulation on establishing the European Cybersecurity Industrial, Technology and Research Competence Centre and the Network of National Coordination Centres and the findings in the four pilot projects ECHO, CONCORDIA, SPARTA and CyberSec4Europe. These projects are assisting EU in defining, testing and establishing models of the future European Cybersecurity Competence Network of cybersecurity centres of excellence.

Governance is a critical success factor for digital transformation - a technology intensive process with the human in focus, and hence the session will address the development of digital competencies as indispensable aspect of governance.

We invite original contributions in the following sub-topics: 

  • Governance and business models for collaborative networked organizations in the field of ICT and cybersecurity
  • Information sharing models and trust management for networked organisations in the cyber domain
  • Collaboration models between administration, operators, industry and academia in the process of digital transformation and enhancing cyber resilience
  • Design and implementation (change management and continuous improvement) of the governance and management for digital transformation and cyber resilience
  • Leadership and development of digital competencies for successful digital transformation Development of national cyber security technology and research communities, their coordination and regional cooperation
  • Findings of the CONCORDIA, ECHO, SPARTA and CyberSec4Europe pilot projects in defining, testing and establishing the governance model of a European Cybersecurity Competence Network of cybersecurity centres of excellence. 

Dr. Velizar Shalamanov is the lead SC member for this theme.