Stefanos Vrochidis

Researcher with ITI-CERTH. His research interests include semantic multimedia analysis, multimodal retrieval, image processing, interactive video retrieval, multimodal analytics, as well as security applications including cyber-security, crisis management, fight crime and terrorism and border surveillance.
Dr. Stefanos Vrochidis received the Diploma degree in Electrical Engineering from Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, the MSc degree in Radio Frequency Communication Systems from University of Southampton and the PhD degree in Electronic Engineering from Queen Mary University of London.
Dr. Vrochidis has participated in more than 35 European and National projects (e.g. ECHO, FORESIGHT, SPIDER, aqua3S, EOPEN, beAWARE, V4Design, etc.), in three as Project Coordinator, two as Deputy project Coordinator, and in five as Scientific or Technical Manager. Stefanos has been among the organizers of the European Summer School in Information Retrieval (ESSIR 2015) and many other workshops. He has edited two books and authored more than 180 related scientific journal, conference and book chapter publications. He has served as a reviewer in several international journals and technical program committees in well reputed conferences and workshops.